
RSS available; you can subscribe to our blog!

RSS has been added to! Starting immediately you can subscribe to any or all of our RSS feeds, and your RSS reader will let you know when new content has been added. If you’re a little bit old school (like me) you may prefer to read your news in a dedicated newsreader instead of checking separately all of The Twitters and The FaceBooks and The Google Plusses. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) makes it really simple to be notified of new articles without having to constantly visit our website.

Simply have a look at the RSS menu in our menu system (top left on PC, near the bottom on mobile) and choose the feeds you’d like to be notified of.

Note: Safari might warn you if you don’t have a newsreader installed; Chrome is likely to show you raw XML if you don’t have a subscription extension installed. But hey! If you’re looking for an RSS feed, you probably know all of the details already.

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